New beautiful, delicious and tender spring kit "New Beginnings" by Fly Pixel Studio
Our life is full of special moments - the beginning of a new life and a new family. This kit helps you to emphasize the uniqueness of these events and to save them in your memory.
Добро пожаловать на мой блог! Я-Ольга.Я замужем и мама двух замечательных деток.Живем мы в Крыму в г.Ялта,на берегу Черного моря (Украина).Это блог о моем увлечении скрапбукингом и рукоделием.
Welcome to my blog! I'm Olga.Ya married and mother of two wonderful children. We live in Yalta in the Crimea on the Black Sea (Ukraine). This blog is about my passion for scrapbooking.
Очень нежная и красивая страничка!